Customer Installs | HYDROPHASE LLC

Customer Installs

We're grateful to share customer submitted installation pictures and testimonials. Our heartfelt thanks to our valuable customers for their generosity.
IMPORTANT: The customer photos and information provided on this website have not been verified to be correct or valid installations by Hydrophase LLC. They are provided as a reference only. Always follow the Hydrophase Installation Guide, and contact Hydrophase LLC with any questions.

The system works exactly as described, quality of components is excellent and I am very satisfied with my purchase. Thank you Hydrophase for your great service and a great product.

Your system was so easy to install. I am not very handy and I managed to figure it out. I have been waiting to get this upgrade since I got the boat!

The system is working great in both GPS and RPM modes. The RPM sync on the engines is amazing and has made the boat much more enjoyable to drive.

The boat was purchased with a stock Perfectpass system that used a paddle wheel. The Perfectpass did not work correctly when first tried out the boat. I did some investigating into fixing the...

Install was easy and the system seemed to work great when I tried it out yesterday.

Works like a charm the first time with no problems around installation or use!!

The Ridesteady has been a lifesaver. Before Ridesteady, I was limited to driving everyone else around all day unless we were with friends/family experienced in towing (not many). With Ridesteady,...

We put it to its first real use this weekend. I even got my wife to pull me wakeboarding which is a big deal!

The system was very easy to install and work perfect! Held speed perfectly even with full ballast and in sharp turns! Love the knob feature also!!

It seems a great system as my wife said it made life very easy at 17 and 20 mph yesterday.

The Ridesteady made it possible for everyone to get "perfect pulls". When driving, I immediately noticed the reduction in my "stress level"! Did not expect that, but it definitely allows the...

Thanks for the well packaged product. Our summer should prove to be legendary!
